Monday, August 13, 2012

Busy busy Monday

A few weeks ago I started trying to do one long ride (+80km) per week. Since we're in priority training for a Marathon in October, I used to have to alternate between a long run on the week-end or a long ride. But then one day I realized that on the week that follows a long run, I could just do my long ride on my way to work ... Sure I get to work a little bit late that day, but that's no biggie ;-) No sure why I didn't think about doing that earlier in the season (or in the previous years).

Here's this morning commute:

It's a pretty flat route, perfect for working and improving my speed and spending as much time as possible in aero position (ouch!). The Iona part (which is on the side of the Vancouver's Airport and appears to be a pretty nice park BTW) is a pretty popular segment on Strava among the local cyclists. The leader of the leader-board has a an average speed of 50kph ... Gasp! 

At the end of the work day, I had to go home (which is a usual 9k) and then we went running. We were planning on doing a 10k today, but the wife wasn't up to it, so we only did a 8k:

Considering I had already depleted by glycogen stores earlier that day (I did consume a little bit of food during the day), I felt pretty good until the last kilometre or so even with a bee sting on my right hand. Seems I should try to stay clear of bushes at that time of the year ...

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