Monday, September 10, 2012

Run to Stanley Park (30k)

Saturday run to our now usual long distance target went pretty well. This time around, I didn't forgot to drink my espresso two hours before we got going, however I followed the tips from Allen Lim, and decided to not take any food during the run itself and only rely on my usual energy drink (minus the Chia seeds) just to keep my blood sugar level elevated (and replace my electrolytes).

Since the infamous wall lives around the 30km mark for most people, I was curious to see if I will run into it (didn't ran into it last time I ran a marathon either) ... And, It wasn't the case as I feel pretty energetic all the way (with an average pace of 5:10/km). Obviously the 2 days of moderate carbo-loading plus a bagel (with peanut butter, chia seeds and one banana) 3 hours before the start of the run was enough to fuel me throughout the run. As a measure of precaution, I did carry a bunch of dates ...

Two days prior to the run, I started feeling one of these weird pains at the top of my left calf, not unlike other pains I have felt recently on my calfs. So I wore my compression bands (on both calfs) as prevention most of the two days and, of course, during the run (as usual). In the end, I didn't feel any calf pains during the run (nor after), just some mild knee pains. However, starting yesterday afternoon (so 24 hours after the run) my left thigh started being painful (rectus femoris?) when at ease. I cycled to work this morning and didn't feel anything special. Anyhow, I'm supposed to run this late afternoon so I'll see how it goes ...

Overall, I have to say that since I started wearing compression bands on my calfs when running, my calf pains have pretty much vanished. I know there's a lot of debate on the effectiveness of them, but it appears to be working for me ... or that's just a coincidence.

Here's the run details on Strava:

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